Sunday, May 1, 2011


Cargoshell – the innovative and sustainable new container concept

Whilst retaining the successful qualities of the current container, Cargoshell offers several innovations. In the forefront of these is the considerable CO2 reduction that will be realised by replacing the current container worldwide with Cargoshell. As Cargoshell is made of fibre reinforced composite the new container is a lot lighter than the present steel container. A second major innovation is that Cargoshell is collapsible. Steel containers occupy just as much space whether they are empty or full. An empty folded Cargoshell occupies only a quarter of the original volume. Saving weight and space reduces operating costs, which also makes Cargoshell attractive from a business economic viewpoint. A track and trace system ensures that every container can be traced; wherever in the world it is located.

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