Friday, May 13, 2011

REGNA - Rainwater Harvesting and Purification System

Project Type:
industrial/product design
Project Mission/Goal:
respond to our growing need for clean water, power, shelter, healthcare, education
Project Description:
REGNA, a rainwater harvesting and purification system, which meets the demand for the collection, purification and storage of water from natural sources such as rain or snow. The system is used to harvest rainwater for both potable and non-potable uses. The design incorporates the catchment, conveyance, storage, purification, and distribution of rainwater. The product solution also addresses sustainable water needs for irrigation or industrial use.

Sustainable sanitation for emergencies and reconstruction situations

sponsored by the sustainable sanitation alliance

The Clean Hub

The Clean Hub is a portable, self sustaining source for clean water, electricity and sanitation. Designed within an intermodal shipping container, the Clean Hub can be fabricated, shipped and deployed anywhere in the world in a matter of days. In keeping with all policies, it can be deemed portable, but since it is self sustaining, it can function in one place for as long as necessary with minimal maintenance. The Clean Hub uses a photovoltaic array with battery storage, a 4,400 gallon water reservoir, a rainwater catchment system, ceramic and reverse osmosis filtration, and composting toilets.

John Dwyer, adjunct professor and partner with Shelter Architecture

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Sphere Handbook

What is Sphere?
Launched in 1997 by a group of humanitarian NGOs and the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, The Sphere Project is an initiative to define and uphold the standards by which the global community responds to the plight of people affected by disasters, principally through a set of guidelines that are set out in the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response (commonly referred to as the Sphere Handbook). Sphere is based on two core beliefs: first, that those affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and therefore a right to protection and assistance, and second, that all possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering arising out of disaster and conflict. Sphere is three things; a handbook, a broad process of collaboration, and an expression of commitment to quality and accountability.
The Sphere Handbook
The Sphere Handbook – Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards for Disaster Response – was developed as, and remains, the key tool of the Project. The cornerstone of the book is the Humanitarian Charter, which describes the core principles that govern humanitarian action, and asserts the right of populations to protection and assistance. The minimum standards and indicators that follow are not exclusive to Sphere. They are a compilation of best practice in the sector and a practical expression of these core principles.


download features info on water, sanitation, and food management

SuSanA - fact sheet

This factsheet deals with the planning of sustainable sanitation for emergencies and reconstruction situations in low and middle income countries.

sponsored by Sustainable Sanitation Alliance

Mass Sanitation Module_Red Cross

Rapid Latrine Concept 

Design principles:
1. Easy ACT (Assemble, Clean & Transport)
2. Rapid Assemble
3. Light weight
4. Durable for 3-6 months & Stable
5. Cheap

Rapid latrine models
1. Corrugated plastic
2. Plywood
3. Foam board